Of course you’re familiar with the harmful effects of a desk job, but there are other reasons why employees may call in sick. Keep reading to learn about these office safety hazards you may not be aware of. …Read More
Of course you’re familiar with the harmful effects of a desk job, but there are other reasons why employees may call in sick. Keep reading to learn about these office safety hazards you may not be aware of. …Read More
Working at an office can be more dangerous than you might think. We’ve learned that sitting all day has tremendous effects on your health and well-being, but there are other problems associated with your desk job that can creep up on you unexpectedly. …Read More
Stress at work is one of the biggest causes of long-term employee absences, leading to money lost and a significant drop in productivity. Not only does office stress negatively affect workplace happiness and productivity, but also our quality of life elsewhere. To continue with National Stress Awareness month, …Read More
Everyone experiences stress at some point in his or her life. Occasional stress can be a good thing, but if allowed to get out of control it can have a damaging effect on the mind and body. In case you didn’t know, April is National Stress Awareness Month, and April 16th happens to be Stress Awareness Day, …Read More
Xdesk is a big fan of clean lines and organized workspaces. Occasionally it’s difficult to maintain an uncluttered work area if organization isn’t your thing, but below are a few tips on how to organize your Xdesk in no time. …Read More
We always talk about the negative health effects of sitting. The facts are pretty dismal,
The internet has picked up a study recently with flashy headlines saying that standing desks