Lifestyle – Xdesk Blog Standing Desk, Adjustable Height Desk Blog Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:11:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Is Your Job Increasing Your Risk of Heart Failure? Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:50:39 +0000 Study shows sitting 5 or more hours is extremely dangerous to your health
Researchers conducted

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Study shows sitting 5 or more hours is extremely dangerous to your health

Researchers conducted a study to see if there is a link between working in a traditional office environment and an increased risk of heart failure. Following 82,000 men, ages 45 to 69, over 10 years led to the conclusion that men who don’t exercise regularly and whose jobs require them to sit for five or more hours per day are twice as likely to develop heart failure than their more active counterparts.

What is heart failure?

Heart failure occurs when your heart muscle is no longer able to efficiently and effectively pump blood through your body. Unlike an acute attack, which causes the heart to stop beating, heart failure is a drawn-out process whose victims experience continually diminished quality of life over an extended period of time.

What does my job have to do with it?

Most Americans are stuck behind a desk for upwards of 9 hours each day. This sedentary behavior puts you at risk of developing serious medical conditions like high blood pressure, decreased circulation, and obesity; all factors directly linked to heart failure.

Avoid becoming a statistic

To avoid becoming a statistic, researchers recommend standing at least 10 minutes every hour. The easiest way to accomplish this without interrupting your workday is with a standing desk by Xdesk. With the click of a button, you can transform your traditional seated desk into a standing model. Conversely, when you’ve fulfilled your standing goal, you can easily convert back to a seated arrangement with the click of a button.

In addition to incorporating the practice of standing while working into your daily routine, be sure to build active time into your schedule as well. Simple actions like taking time to stretch at your desk or going for a stroll around your corporate campus can make a tremendous difference in your overall health and wellbeing. Take getting moving a step further by scheduling walk and talk meetings instead of flopping down in chairs in your favorite meeting room.

While our culture is one that revolves around seated tasks, it’s your responsibility to challenge those norms. Standing at least 10 minutes every hour and consciously adding more activity to your workday can significantly reduce your risk of heart failure. If you’re struggling finding additional ways to increase your activity level at work, Rutgers University has some great tips to keep you active and reduce your risk of heart failure.

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The Office of the Future, Part 1 Wed, 14 May 2014 16:27:40 +0000 We’ve mentioned what the office of the future would look like before, but to put

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We’ve mentioned what the office of the future would look like before, but to put things into a visual perspective, we found an infographic from The Under Cover Recruiter that gives even more insight to how the modern office will thrive.

How we communicate, new technology and physical workspaces are the biggest influencers when it comes to pushing the traditional office into the modern world.

The open office plan has become a popular choice for companies today, but telecommuting is another preferable choice among employees. There was almost an 80 percent increase in the number of employees who worked from home from 2005 to 2012. And it’s estimated that 3.9 million employees will telecommute by 2016. Talk about a good reason to amp up your home office.

Workers won’t have to worry about the hassle of traveling or missing a flight, since “telepresence” has taken over. Companies save thousands a year by cutting travel costs and instead using a webcam for national and even international meetings. Maybe the office of the future will go one step further, and use holographic images for “face to face” meetings.

Companies may get rid of desktop computers and other bulky equipment completely, and have employees bring their own portable devices to the office. With an emphasis on a flexible work schedule, this could be a preferable alternative to a static workstation.

The modern office emphasizes sustainability, and creating an environment that’s social and hospitable. And of course standing meeting tables and treadmill desks are a part of the criteria, since they encourage interaction and movement during the day.

Check out the infographic to learn more about the modern office:

The Office of the Future

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New Study Reveals Walking Boosts Creativity Fri, 09 May 2014 16:07:23 +0000 Getting a breath of fresh air and taking a walk does more than provide a

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Getting a breath of fresh air and taking a walk does more than provide a much needed change of scenery, it gets your creative juices flowing too, according to a new study. New research published in The Journal of Experimental Psychology shows that walking boosts creativity.

Several small-scale studies were led by researchers from Stanford University to determine how walking boosts creativity. The test subjects had to take a creativity test, were made to walk around, and then take the test a second time. And the results were pretty significant.

The study found that for nearly every test subject, creativity increased when they took a walk. According to the study, most subjects could generate roughly 60 percent more uses for an object, and their ideas were “novel and appropriate.”

And the creative juices didn’t stop flowing, since they continued to generate creative ideas even after they sat down. The study concluded that the test subjects who walked had significantly better ideas than in the pre-exercise testing period.

The test subjects were then moved outdoors during a portion of the experiment. Most researchers’ guessed that walking outside would be significantly better than pacing in an office, but surprisingly that didn’t matter.

When the test subjects walked outside for about eight minutes, they generated more creative ideas than when they sat outside or inside for the same length of time. But there was no noticeable difference in creative ideas when the subjects walked outdoors or indoors on a treadmill facing a wall.

The researchers still were not clear exactly why walking boosts creativity, but they did suggest that it could be related to a mood booster, or because walking distracts the brain’s energy long enough for it to wander in thought.

With these results, it gives you even more of an excuse to get moving throughout your day! And now you can give the executives a reason for why you need to take a stroll around the block, or even better, why you should incorporate a Xdesk Fit into your daily work life.

Imagine the work flow and awesome ideas that will stream through your head as you pace on the Xdesk Fit. And it doesn’t hurt that our desk treadmill is equipped with all the features, like a digital LED display and Bluetooth connectivity. You can even charge your electronic device while you pace and listen to music, since it includes a USB port.

To learn more about the Xdesk Fit, go HERE.

We found this study through Lifehacker, to see the entire story, go HERE.

Do you take a daily walk outside of the office? If so, have you felt more creative afterwards? Share in the comments below!

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Employee Wellness Plans Benefit Managers and Workers Wed, 07 May 2014 16:12:35 +0000 Employee wellness plans have become a popular solution to keep workers working while reducing health

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Employee wellness plans have become a popular solution to keep workers working while reducing health care costs for employers. Although some may be skeptical at first, a workplace wellness program can be a win-win situation for both parties.

According to the Wellness Council of America, employers benefit by reducing sick leave by an average of 26.78 percent and reducing health care costs by 26 percent. For every dollar spent on health and wellness programs, the company gains roughly $5.81 dollars back.

Employees also benefit beyond experiencing fewer health problems. Fifty-nine percent of employees reported having more energy and getting more work done; while 51 percent said they work harder once a wellness program is in place. A wellness program is also an incentive to keep employees at the company longer, since most workers today expect employee wellness plans to be offered at their company.

To increase participation, companies are offering incentives and rewards to employees who get on the health bandwagon. And a cash reward isn’t always the best way to encourage participation. Gift cards, access to healthy foods, and other non-cash incentives get the most feedback from employees.

How to Start Your Wellness Program

Workout at Work
It’s important to encourage physical activity during the day. If you follow this blog or own a standing desk, you’re well aware of how sitting all day is bad for your health. Working out at the gym isn’t doing your body any favors if you’re in a chair for nine hours. So turn your sedentary office into an active workspace that increases flexibility. Consider stand up meetings, walking during lunch, and encourage workers to take the stairs. If you’re on a budget and not every employee can use a standing desk, even bringing in one or two provides another option to increase movement.

Educate Employees
Provide a nurse hotline where employees can call in and discuss their health concerns. It’s a more private outlet that workers can use to get one-on-one education from a health professional. Another option is to bring in doctors or speakers to give info sessions on everything from eating habits to general health and wellness practices. Offer an incentive to employees who choose to attend (maybe a free nutritious lunch during the seminar?).

Provide Stress Management
We’ve posted quite a bit on stress management lately, since it’s typically the number one cause of employee absenteeism and poor health. Stress has been linked to heart disease, lack of sleep and high blood pressure. Beyond poor health, it lowers worker satisfaction and decreases productivity. In your employee wellness plan, provide a stress management program for workers. Bringing in outside councilors or psychologists can give guidance and tools on stress management to improve worker health.

Offer Healthy Choices
Sometimes working through lunch is inevitable, so employers can take this as an opportunity to provide healthy food choices at the office. Offer nuts, trail mix and fresh fruit instead of a traditional vending machine. And replace sodas with water and juice. If your company has a cafeteria, switch up the menu to focus on items that encourage better nutrition, like lots of vegetable sides or a salad bar.

Employee wellness plans don’t have to be expensive or completely change your office, but showing employees that you care about their health is important. And it’s even more important that executives participate, to lead by example.

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Company Wellness Infographic Fri, 02 May 2014 15:19:05 +0000 To follow up with Wednesday’s post about company health programs, we found an infographic from

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To follow up with Wednesday’s post about company health programs, we found an infographic from The Wellness Project NYC to put things into a more visual perspective.

The corporate wellness infographic discusses how nutritious food affects overall productivity, and includes a study released by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The results of the study concluded that nutrition habits do have a direct impact on productivity.

And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), proper nourishment can raise national productivity levels by 20 percent! Brain-loving foods that help boost productivity include nuts, fish and dark chocolate. And of course fruits and vegetables like blueberries, avocado and raw carrots made the cut.

The wellness infographic provides more evidence that corporate health programs are necessary for better business, and making nutritious food available to employees is even more important. Employers will experience a reduction in sick days, number of workplace accidence, and instead increase productivity and overall morale.

So with that, start stocking up on your apples and oranges!

Wellness Infographic

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Hidden Office Safety Hazards Fri, 25 Apr 2014 14:39:54 +0000 Of course you’re familiar with the harmful effects of a desk job, but there are

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Of course you’re familiar with the harmful effects of a desk job, but there are other reasons why employees may call in sick. Keep reading to learn about these office safety hazards you may not be aware of.

The Open Office
An open office plan has become more favorable than closed-in cubicles or separate offices. You’ve enjoyed the camaraderie and team-building, but it can have negative effects in the long run. Open offices encourage high noise levels and privacy is eliminated, which can result in stress and reduced work satisfaction. The Journal of Applied Psychology published a study that showed this office safety hazard in action. Forty clerical workers were exposed to low-intensity noise, while another group experienced silence. Both groups were given unsolvable math problems. The group exposed to noise gave up after a few tries, while the group working in silence continued to try and solve it. If you’re bothered by office noise, you can wear ear buds or headphones.

The Office Coffee Pot
Sad to say, but the communal coffee pot harbors bacteria and viruses, and is the most likely place to find norovirus. Norovirus is highly contagious, and can cause vomiting and diarrhea. To combat the issue, it’s important to observe proper hand-washing and hygiene. If you or your coworker has been sick, don’t prepare the coffee that morning until all symptoms are gone. And of course, clean the coffee pot every night before leaving the office.

The Air Flow (Or Lack Thereof)
You could be allergic to work! Not the practice, but the actual building. Closed offices can keep in allergens and other substances that can cause symptoms like sneezing, wheezing and trouble breathing. If you notice the symptoms lessen after work, during a weekend or while on vacation, the office air could be the culprit. Paints, adhesives, and even your desk could be causing an allergic reaction. Thankfully Xdesk are made from all natural materials like bamboo and aluminum, so common additives like particleboard and formaldehyde aren’t used. These office safety hazards can be treated if you make an appointment with an allergist.

The Rising Temperatures
Ever notice how hard it is to concentrate if it’s too hot? A warm environment can decrease productivity in the form of drowsiness, restlessness and a drop in decision-making ability. If your office isn’t up for blasting cold air, bring in a few fans and wear light clothing to increase the air flow around you. This is even more important if you own a treadmill desk, since constant walking elevates your body temperature.

The Desk Chair
There have been countless studies showing the negative physical and mental effects of sitting all day. Remaining in one place has detrimental effects on productivity, and leads to major health problems like obesity and cardiovascular disease. This can easily be avoided with a standing desk, or by making a point to keep moving throughout the day.

Have you experienced any of these office safety hazards? How have you avoided them?

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How to Avoid Office Health Risks Wed, 23 Apr 2014 15:34:02 +0000 Working at an office can be more dangerous than you might think. We’ve learned that

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Working at an office can be more dangerous than you might think. We’ve learned that sitting all day has tremendous effects on your health and well-being, but there are other problems associated with your desk job that can creep up on you unexpectedly. Here are a few office health risks and how to avoid them:

Lower-Back Pain
Low back pain is an office health risk that’s extremely common among both men and women. Sitting for hours isn’t doing your posture any favors, and results in slouching that can put strain on the lower back. But constantly pushing your shoulders back into a straight, awkward position can also have negative effects. To prevent this, be aware of your posture while you sit, and don’t forget to stand and stretch every so often to give your back a break.

Other Muscle & Joint Pain
We’ve mentioned this before, but 85 percent of Americans suffer from muscle or joint pain at some point during their lives. Pain doesn’t discriminate, men and women are equally effected, and in more than one place on the body. The most common areas include the knees, neck and joints. These office health risks can be avoided, if you remember to switch from sitting to standing periodically throughout the day. The key is small movements at designated intervals. Once you’re home for the night, take a walk around the block and perform a few stretches before bed. It will help both physical and mental stresses.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
If you’re constantly at a computer, chances are you’re typing the majority of the day. If you’re not, then gripping a pen and scribbling notes can eventually cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Any motion that’s repeated isn’t ideal for the wrists. Before you have to result to prescriptions or surgery, stop and stretch your wrists during the day. If you have a keyboard platform, you can adjust it so the wrists are in the most ergonomic position to prevent any kind of strain.

Beyond damaging your wrists, eyestrain is another common office health risk experienced among desk workers. After staring at your computer for several hours, you may notice your vision start to blur and your eyes become more sensitive. Headache, neck strain and dry eyes are another symptom of eyestrain. Prevention starts with making sure the computer screen is an adequate distance from your eyes. You can use one (or both) of our monitor arms to help you achieve the best placement. We’ve covered eyestrain prevention extensively in a previous post, so learn more HERE.

Stress—it’s probably the most common office health risk experienced today. It’s the biggest cause of employee illness and absences, which means productivity loss. Less serious stressful situations can be controlled by breathing and relaxation tools. Another option is to walk away. Leave your desk and take a break, then face the problem head on. In case you missed it last week, check out our post on “How to Cope with Office Stress” to learn more about how to deal with difficult work situations.

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How to Cope With Office Stress Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:12:56 +0000 Stress at work is one of the biggest causes of long-term employee absences, leading to

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Stress at work is one of the biggest causes of long-term employee absences, leading to money lost and a significant drop in productivity. Not only does office stress negatively affect workplace happiness and productivity, but also our quality of life elsewhere. To continue with National Stress Awareness month, we’ve put together a few tips on how to cope with stress at the office.

You can first start to manage office stress by getting your body back in shape. It’s no surprise that stress affects both the mind and takes a toll on our physical health. To begin to cope with stress, eat healthy foods like green vegetables and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like flax seeds. Skip the greasy hamburger for a grilled salmon salad and watch your mood lift in the afternoon.

Of course, don’t forget to exercise regularly and move as often as possible during the workday. Make sure to stand for at least thirty minutes every hour, or take short breaks to stretch and walk around the office. At the end of the day, head to bed early. Office stress is only intensified by sleep-deprived minds, so shoot for 7-8 solid hours each night.

Another option to deal with office stress is to make your workspace feel more like home. Bring in family photos or small nick-knacks to place on your desktop. Add a few plants to spruce up the environment and help you relax.

According to the Huffington Post, hospital patients with indoor plants reported having lower stress levels than patience without them. Of course your office isn’t a hospital room, but plants will have the same effect nonetheless!

Although it may seem impossible, it’s important to learn how to say no. Taking on more than you can handle can leave you overextended, overworked, and overstressed. If you feel a project is starting to be more than you can handle and someone asks you take on just one more thing, calmly but firmly say no. Then you’ll have more time to focus on producing quality work on time.

Being glued to your desk for hours on end really does have an effect on your stress levels. So with that in mind, schedule a portion of your day that’s just dedicated to you. If you don’t have time for a full lunch break, try to carve out at least 20 minutes to walk around the block, read or sit outside. But the main thing to remember is to get out of the office for at least a little while. You’d be surprised how far a little sunshine can go in relieving office stress.

To follow up with getting out of the office, make it a field trip and bring a few coworkers along. Spend time together not talking about impending deadlines and projects, but instead try to get to know each other. Having quality social time allows you to unplug for a bit and relax your mind.

Office stress will never fully be eliminated, but there are tools to help you manage it that can lead to fulfilling, long-lasting careers. How do you cope with stress at the office?

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De-stress for National Stress Awareness Month Wed, 16 Apr 2014 16:04:43 +0000 Everyone experiences stress at some point in his or her life. Occasional stress can be

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Everyone experiences stress at some point in his or her life. Occasional stress can be a good thing, but if allowed to get out of control it can have a damaging effect on the mind and body. In case you didn’t know, April is National Stress Awareness Month, and April 16th happens to be Stress Awareness Day, so in honor of this much needed day we’ve put together a list of how to de-stress and relax during the workweek. Cue the relaxing spa music.

1. Laugh
It’s no joke, laughing causes immediate stress relief (no pun intended). According to the Mayo Clinic, laughing has both short-term and long-term benefits. Laughing enhances the amount of oxygen in the body, and ultimately stimulates your body’s organs and releases mood-boosting endorphins to de-stress. It also increases your heart and blood pressure slightly that leads to a relaxed feeling afterwards. So with that, take a short break and watch a funny YouTube video or Google pictures of adorable animals—something to help you smile and de-stress.

2. Eat
Yes, you can de-stress by healthy eating. There’s nothing worse than having a mountain of work to do while feeling those hunger pangs strike. That only results in unnecessary stress and the inevitable overeating. Instead, keep healthy snacks nearby that you can enjoy to stay relaxed and focused on the task at hand. Take a short break, a deep breath, and enjoy your snack. Nuts, avocados or a hardboiled egg are smart choices that won’t lead to inadequate nutrition and will keep you full.

3. Move
As you know, it’s so important to keep moving throughout your day! Not only will this help keep you fit, but also help you de-stress in a big way. Adjust your desk and stand for thirty minutes every hour, stretch, and talk to coworkers instead of emailing them. Movement has the power to boost creativity and endorphins, leading to a stress-free, relaxed work day. If you have time, go for a short walk around the block. Walking helps clear your head and take your mind off of whatever is causing you stress.

4. Breathe
When tension and panic start to rise, ever realize that you’re holding your breath? Deep breathing exercises are one of the most powerful ways to de-stress, and it only takes a second. Deep breaths increase the amount of oxygen in the body and stimulate a relaxed feeling, leading to reduced tension and stress.

5. Read
This may come as a shock, but reading is actually linked to reduced stress. According to the Telegraph, psychologists believe reading causes you to concentrate and focus on a literary world instead of the present one that’s causing you stress. Silently reading for as little as 6 minutes can help you de-stress by 68 percent!

How do you de-stress during the week? Share in the comments below!

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How to Organize Your Xdesk in 4 Steps Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:28:34 +0000 Xdesk is a big fan of clean lines and organized workspaces. Occasionally it’s difficult to

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Xdesk is a big fan of clean lines and organized workspaces. Occasionally it’s difficult to maintain an uncluttered work area if organization isn’t your thing, but below are a few tips on how to organize your Xdesk in no time.

Separate the Old from the New
If you’re unable to see your natural bamboo or shiny aluminum desktop, don’t fret. You can start to organize your Xdesk by developing a filing system. Separate out the old, outdated documents or even entire files (if it’s been awhile). Grab bills, important documents and other necessary paperwork into one pile, and trash anything else that’s been lying around for a few days. Use a file rack to place current projects you need handy at a moment’s notice, and a four-drawer filing cabinet to put away finished projects and other paperwork.

An unorganized filing cabinet doesn’t really serve a purpose. So while you’re at it, take a moment to clean out the cabinet. Order things alphabetically, by color, or develop your own coding system so you can quickly find the things you need.

Find New Equipment
It’s difficult to throw things out and have an orderly workspace without the right equipment. When you’re ready to organize your Xdesk, have a garbage, recycle bin and shredder ready to take on the job. Beyond trash receptacles, consider downsizing your computer or printer. If you have a dinosaur of a monitor, replace it for something inexpensive and lightweight that won’t take up much space.

The same goes for other electronics. Buy a printer, fax and scanner that are all in one, instead of having separate devices. Another option is Xdesk Connect. It elevates the CPU to save floor space and protect it from moisture and damage. It’s able to hold up to 85 pounds off the floor.

Get Rid of Clutter
After you’ve filed your documents, get rid of other unnecessary items on your desk. If you haven’t seen your desktop in a while, wipe it down with a light wash of soapy water. Keep in mind that Xdesk cannot withstand oils, and other cleaners and disinfectants shouldn’t be highly basic or acidic. Replace a desk lamp with a standing model to allow for even more room, and hang family pictures on the wall to get them off of your desk.

Xdesk offers other options for a clean, organized workspace. Feed cables and wires through the grommet holes in your desktop, and pull them through the Vanity Cover with Cable Raceway. Then all wires will be covered and combined into one, streamlined system. Don’t forget to add the Power Management System to protect your equipment from power surges.

Throw it Out
Moving along with getting rid of clutter, take a second to throw out broken pens, paperclips, and miscellaneous staples that are taking up space (and just waiting to stab your fingertips). Throw out magazines and newspapers that are collecting dust, and outdated documents. Pay stubs, medical bills and bank statements can generally be thrown out after one year, while credit card bills can be thrown out after a month (and payment has been received).

Replace scattered pens, rubber bands and other small items with a caddy that holds everything in place. Try out this version from iSkelter that even holds your phone and, coincidentally, is made out of bamboo.

How do you organize your Xdesk? Share in the comments below!

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