January 29, 2014
The majority of people on January 1, 2014 were seen uttering these words: “I’m going to lose weight in 2014” or, “I want to lose x pounds this year.” The New Year’s Resolution to lose weight was extremely common, so common that it was the number one resolution made. …Read More
January 3, 2014
With the onset of 2014, it has many of us guessing: What will the office of the future look like? Maybe the modern office will have holographic conference calls, floating desk chairs, or a robotic secretary. Or even better, an automatic coffee dispenser at every desk. …Read More
December 30, 2013
The year 2014 is around the corner, and that means new, high tech gadgets of the future. Next year will bring smart watches, talking pens and solar-powered keyboards to offices around the country. And it looks like an adjustable height desk will continue …Read More