March 26, 2014
Standing desks have gotten a lot of hype lately, with the growing pile of abstracts touting the negative health effects of sitting in a chair all day. Sitting leads to an earlier death, sitting promotes obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and so on. But you’re still not convinced, and we can’t blame you. …Read More
March 19, 2014
By now you’re well aware of the negative health effects of sitting in a chair all day. You’ve taken action and invested in one of our adjustable or fixed height standup desks. Whether you’re a newbie to the standing desk scene or a veteran, we’ve put together …Read More
March 7, 2014
If you’ve started to experience back, neck and shoulder pain, you’re not alone. According to a new study, 85 percent of people in the United States experience muscle or joint pain at some point in their lives. …Read More
March 5, 2014
Spending roughly $10 bucks a day or more on lunch can really thin out your wallet. To follow up with last Wednesday’s post about Healthy Snacks to Eat at Your Standing Desk, we’ve expanded on that idea and put together a list of healthy lunches to bring to the …Read More
February 26, 2014
It’s said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It boosts your metabolism, gets your mind working and keeps the hunger pains at bay – for a little while. But what do you do when 10:30 a.m. rolls around and your stomach starts to grumble? …Read More