posture 101 – Xdesk Blog Standing Desk, Adjustable Height Desk Blog Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:11:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ultimate Guide to Better Posture Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:33:38 +0000 To follow up with Wednesday’s post about the myths surrounding “good” and “bad” posture, we’ve

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To follow up with Wednesday’s post about the myths surrounding “good” and “bad” posture, we’ve found an infographic about how to achieve better posture.

As we’ve mentioned, posture is about movement and being able to center your body in a position that encourages flexibility. Forget standing in an incredibly awkward, straight position. Each body is different, and discovering the best posture for your body type will vary.

Check out the posture infographic to learn more about posture dos and don’ts and how to achieve the right position for you.

Posture 101

[Infographic Via]

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Yoga Behind your Standing Desk Wed, 19 Jun 2013 19:32:32 +0000 If you’ve been paying attention, you know very well how good for you standing desks

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Perform these yoga positions behind your standing desk to keep moving and increase blood flow.

If you’ve been paying attention, you know very well how good for you standing desks and adjustable height desks can be. They can improve your posture, your energy, your weight, your back comfort and your health overall… The list goes on and on.

That being said, standing desks can be a bit difficult to get used to, after spending years sitting down at your desk job. I know when I first started standing, it took a while to work my way up to standing most of the day (which is why my adjustable height desk was so helpful—I could alternate until I was used to it!).

But for those of you who don’t have an adjustable height desk like the Terra model to alternate between sitting and standing, I have for you another option: Yoga.

Yoga is wonderful for you for so many reasons, but remember, you don’t need to restrict your yoga practice to the studio or your after-work-hours.

Here is a simple 3-step yoga sequence that will help get your blood flowing and keep your legs from being fatigued when you’re trying to get used to standing at the office:

1) Begin with a combination of Mountain Pose (tadasana) followed by Standing Half Moon (ardha chandrasana), a side bending pose.

2) Move to Tree (vrksasana) on each side and then into Mountain Pose with arms over head (urdhva hastasana).

3) Interlace fingers behind back and fold forward (Yoga mudra), and finish with a Standing Forward Fold with an easy twist: One hand on the earth (under the face) other hand extended to sky. End in Mountain Pose.

4) Add a revolved chair pose to extend the routine.

*If you need a visual guide to these poses, click here.

All of these yoga positions will not only loosen you up, stretch you out, and get the blood flowing, but also help you pay attention to your posture throughout the day.

If you start to get uncomfortable behind your standing desk, or even just stressed out from a day at work, take a few minutes to run through this easy sequence. You will feel energized, looser, and de-stressed—all from the comfort of your standing desk.

Do you have any tips for transitioning to using a standing desk? Share your thoughts below!

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Posture 101: Tips for the Perfect Posture Thu, 24 Jan 2013 12:00:41 +0000 In our last post we talked about what good posture should look like when you’re

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Practice makes perfect when trying to improve your posture.

In our last post we talked about what good posture should look like when you’re sitting, standing, lifting, or just living. Now I know I may have mentioned this once or twice (or 50 or 60) times before, but a height adjustable desk is a great way to practice proper posture. In my last job, I was at a traditional seated desk for most of everyday and my posture was terrible. Now, I work behind my height adjustable desk. My posture is better, my core is stronger, and my back doesn’t hurt anymore. Of course there are other ways to practice good posture away from your height adjustable desk, and so today in this final post for Posture 101, I thought I’d go over some tips and tricks.



Lower back Stretch: Get on all fours with your fingers facing forward. Start by dropping your head and raising your back as you push the shoulder blades upward. Repeat in the opposite direction by pushing your chest downward and arching your lower back. If you’re familiar with yoga, this is simply the “Cat and Cow” stretch.

Knees to chest: While lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest with your hands behind your knees. Keep your tailbone on the floor and hold this stretch for at least 15 seconds. Then, if it feels good, feel free to rock up and down along your spine, giving yourself a nice little massage.

Shoulder blade squeeze: Put your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. Now swing both your arms horizontally towards your back, like you are trying to reconnect your fingers behind your back, and then swing your arms back to the front. Do this slowly several times.

Shoulder blade lift: Extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height. Next, swing your arms vertically in opposite directions while keeping your arms straight. Do this slowly several times.

Core twist: Lie down on your back and cross your right leg over your body, so it is perpendicular to your left. Take your left hand and gently push on the left side of your lower back to twist your core in the opposite direction of your leg. Leave your right arm extended perpendicular to your body and gaze out over your fingertips. Do this again on the other side.


These are a couple of exercises for your lower back that don’t require any equipment. If you can get into the gym, though, feel free to add weights, use the machines, and use a bar or weights for rowing, which will strengthen your upper back as well as your lower.

Back extensions: Lying face down on the floor with your hands behind head, slowly lift your upper body a few inches off the ground and hold for about five seconds. Then lower, and repeat several times.

Superman: Again, lie face down on the floor with your arms extended overhead. As you lift up your right arm, lift up your left leg and squeeze your abs and back muscles. Lower, and lift the opposite arm and leg (your left arm with your right leg.) Repeat this several times as well.

Weird-Arm-Circle-Things: Okay, I don’t really have a name for this one, but it is one of my favorites. Extend your arms straight out at your sides, in the shape of a T. Lower  your shoulder blades, squeeze them together like you’re trying to crush a pencil in between them, and then just make small circles with your arms, forward and then backward. It sounds simple, I know, but after about a hundred, you should start to feel it in your shoulders and in your upper back.


Pad your chair: Try adding a lumbar support pat to your office chair for when you’re sitting down.

Be on the edge of your seat: If you are sitting down at your height adjustable desk, or anywhere really, be sure to sit on the edge of your seat. This will automatically engage your core muscles and make you zip up your spine, as you aren’t leaning back against anything.

Sit on an exercise ball: If you want to take it one step further, try sitting on an inflatable exercise ball instead of a chair while you’re height adjustable desk is lowered.

Take breaks: Of course moving your height adjustable desk between sitting and standing is a great way to take breaks without pausing in your task, but when you can, get out of the office! Take a quick walk, or make some trips down the hall to the water cooler. Switching between sitting, standing, and moving will keep you healthier, happier, and improve your posture.


How do you feel after a long day of sitting versus a day of using your height adjustable desk? Comment below!

The post Posture 101: Tips for the Perfect Posture appeared first on Xdesk Blog.
