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]]>Several small-scale studies were led by researchers from Stanford University to determine how walking boosts creativity. The test subjects had to take a creativity test, were made to walk around, and then take the test a second time. And the results were pretty significant.
The study found that for nearly every test subject, creativity increased when they took a walk. According to the study, most subjects could generate roughly 60 percent more uses for an object, and their ideas were “novel and appropriate.â€
And the creative juices didn’t stop flowing, since they continued to generate creative ideas even after they sat down. The study concluded that the test subjects who walked had significantly better ideas than in the pre-exercise testing period.
The test subjects were then moved outdoors during a portion of the experiment. Most researchers’ guessed that walking outside would be significantly better than pacing in an office, but surprisingly that didn’t matter.
When the test subjects walked outside for about eight minutes, they generated more creative ideas than when they sat outside or inside for the same length of time. But there was no noticeable difference in creative ideas when the subjects walked outdoors or indoors on a treadmill facing a wall.
The researchers still were not clear exactly why walking boosts creativity, but they did suggest that it could be related to a mood booster, or because walking distracts the brain’s energy long enough for it to wander in thought.
With these results, it gives you even more of an excuse to get moving throughout your day! And now you can give the executives a reason for why you need to take a stroll around the block, or even better, why you should incorporate a Xdesk Fit into your daily work life.
Imagine the work flow and awesome ideas that will stream through your head as you pace on the Xdesk Fit. And it doesn’t hurt that our desk treadmill is equipped with all the features, like a digital LED display and Bluetooth connectivity. You can even charge your electronic device while you pace and listen to music, since it includes a USB port.
To learn more about the Xdesk Fit, go HERE.
We found this study through Lifehacker, to see the entire story, go HERE.
Do you take a daily walk outside of the office? If so, have you felt more creative afterwards? Share in the comments below!
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]]>The post New Year’s Resolution Recap: Workout at Work appeared first on Xdesk Blog.
]]>Since it’s the end of January, take a moment to do a mental recap of your New Year’s Resolutions and how they’ve faired so far. Don’t be discouraged if you barely made it past the first week, there’s still plenty of time to reach your weight loss goals this year. Fortunately, you or someone you know happens to own an adjustable height desk, so you can workout at work to gain more success in your weight loss ventures.
If you’ve followed the Xdesk blog, you’re aware that even a thirty minute or hour workout every day isn’t enough to offset the effect of sitting eight or nine hours behind your desk. So technically, if you have been exercising with no results, you can blame a sedentary lifestyle.
But don’t let your desk job stop you from working out at work! You don’t have to do an intense, sweat-inducing exercise; it’s the small movements from sitting to standing throughout your day that have the biggest impact. Just standing alone has the power to burn some serious calories.
If you really want to take it to the next level, add in the Xdesk Fit Treadmill. The Xdesk Fit is a great accessory that’s designed to work with all Xdesk models. It’s small, and equipped with advanced technology for a seamless “workout.†The Bluetooth system records your walking history to an Online Fitness Club to track your progress. And it’s all easily controlled with a digital LED display console.
The majority of people are unsuccessful in their weight loss goals because they typically dive in head first without a plan. Preparation and strategy is essential to success. Sitting all day, eating poorly and not exercising are typical habits, and old habits are hard to break. Once you’ve reevaluated your New Year’s Resolution, develop a detailed game plan of how you’re going to reach these goals.
For one, you can start by standing more often throughout the day. The data speaks for itself; people who stand more experience greater concentration, more energy, and weight loss. Don’t be afraid to workout at work.
When you develop a strategy, get your coworkers involved to keep each other accountable and on track. Chances are they’ve made the same weight loss resolutions you have. You can even turn your strategy into friendly competition between everyone in the office. The person who loses the most weight earns a free (healthy) lunch!
As previously mentioned, don’t be discouraged if your New Year’s Resolution hasn’t gotten very far. There are small lifestyle changes you can make to get back on track in no time. Standing more often, using a treadmill desk and getting others involved will have a significant impact on your results.
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]]>The post Keep Walking and Moving: Inspirational Quotes appeared first on Xdesk Blog.
]]>The Xdesk Fit really can help you reach the goal of achieving a healthy mind and body. Walking is an excellent way to keep up productivity, creativity, and shed a few pounds along the way. If you’re not convinced, read through a few of these walking quotes, and check out this post about how to walk your way to better health, HERE.
“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.†– Friedrich Nietzsche
“If you seek creative ideas go walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.†– Raymond I. Myers
“Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very fast.†– Thomas Jefferson
Note: Jefferson was also noted as using a standing desk to draw up building blueprints, read more HERE.
“Walking is a man’s best medicine.†– Hippocrates
“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.†– Barack Obama
“Walking is the only form of transportation in which a man proceeds erect – like a man- on his own legs, under his own power. There is immense satisfaction in that.†– Edward Abbey
“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.†– Henry David Thoreau
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.†– John F. Kennedy
“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.†– Anthony Robbins
“Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.†– Earl of Derby
After reading through these walking quotes, we hope they inspired you to stay active! Good health is the foundation of a successful life, and it starts by putting one foot in front of the other. So get up, start walking, and keep moving!
The post Keep Walking and Moving: Inspirational Quotes appeared first on Xdesk Blog.
]]>The post Treadmill Desks Change the Legal Industry appeared first on Xdesk Blog.
]]>Desks like the new Xdesk Fit treadmill desks or walking desks are changing the way offices all over the world work. But today we are going to look at the way treadmill desks are changing one industry in particular: the legal industry.
It may come as a surprise to you, but lawyers and those who work at law firms are some of the most sedentary people in the business world. A majority of lawyers have spent their careers sitting for at least six hours a day about five days a week. Why so much sitting? According to some in the business, the legal industry is not one that encourages getting up and walking around the office.
Of course this kind of prolonged sitting can wreak havoc on a person’s health—from slowing down his or her metabolism, ruining posture and even causing an early death.
Like many industries across the board, the legal industry has taken notice and opted for a change.
Intro the Xdesk Fit treadmill desk!
A recent article described the wakeup call for one attorney in Toledo, Ohio. This wakeup call came in the form of an unexpected heart attack.
“I had quadruple bypass surgery, followed by 12 weeks of cardiac rehab,†the lawyer said. “When I got back into the office, I still had to walk a certain distance on my non-rehab days.â€
This is when he started looking into treadmill desks like the Xdesk Fit.
After his heart attack recovery, the lawyer still uses his treadmill desk—and like any lawyer, he uses it very systematically.
“When I need to review hard copy materials and take notes, I ask my receptionist to hold my calls, and I move over to my treadmill desk,†he said. He also reports better focus and stress relief with the treadmill desk.
And it isn’t only the law firm in Toledo that has made the switch to treadmill desks like the Xdesk Fit. In Atlanta, Georgia, another firm has made the change to treadmill desks, and is now reports an increase in productivity from everyone!
One lawyer at the firm reports having lost five pounds with her treadmill desk. She uses it during conference calls, when she is reading documents and sending emails.
Even if you’re not in the law-biz, it seems to be an open and shut case: Getting a Xdesk Fit treadmill desk is an efficient way to burn calories, relieve stress, reenergize, and keep moving all without having to stop what you’re doing at work.
Case closed.
Have you noticed a shift to more ergonomic solutions, like the Xdesk Fit treadmill desk in your industry?
The post Treadmill Desks Change the Legal Industry appeared first on Xdesk Blog.
]]>The post The Ergonomic Workstation—Taken to the Next Level appeared first on Xdesk Blog.
]]>In a previous post we told you about how the Xdesk is the ultimate ergonomic workstation–it is perfectly adjustable for any height and any position, from the desk to the keyboard and even the monitor’s position. While doing a bit of Internet digging, I found that while the Xdesk may be the ideal ergonomic workstation, it has got nothing on this latest trend. Introducing the treadmill desk.
Yes, you read that correctly: the treadmill desk.
This gem takes the idea of ergonomic workstations and standing desks to a whole new level. It is a veritable walking desk.
The treadmill desk is the creation of Dr. James Levine from the Mayo Clinic. The idea is to slowly walk on a treadmill while still working at your desk built around a treadmill.
I don’t have a treadmill desk of my own, but right now as I’m typing this, I’m giving it a shot. I’m walking. And typing. It’s pretty easy.
But this does make me wonder, do you really need to pay the extra $500 or so for a treadmill desk when you can literally do the same thing by walking behind your standing desk?
I use a Xdesk adjustable height desk and I’m walking behind it right now—going just as “far†as I would be on a slow-moving treadmill. So what is the difference?
Self-motivation, I suppose. With a classic ergonomic workstation like the Xdesk you’ll have to motivate yourself to stand up and move your feet. With a treadmill desk, if it is on, you really don’t have any option (unless you want to end up on the floor).
But even without the latest treadmill desk and without an ergonomic workstation at all, you must still motivate yourself to get up and get moving. Take breaks during your workday to walk around the building. Print to the printer down the hall instead of near your office. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
And when you get home, don’t collapse onto the couch—get outside, play with your kids, your dogs, or just play! It is my professional opinion (as a writer…) that life is taken way too seriously. There is too much work and not enough play. And too much sitting, and not enough moving!
So get yourself up and active. And if it takes this extreme ergonomic workstation to motivate you, then by all means get a treadmill desk! The point is, just move. Your body will thank you for it.
What is your unique and brilliant idea for the next ergonomic workstation? Share your thoughts below (Or patent them and then share your thoughts below…)!
The post The Ergonomic Workstation—Taken to the Next Level appeared first on Xdesk Blog.