You’ve followed the Xdesk blog and owned an adjustable height desk for a while now. When it first arrived, you were so excited to start standing up for better health. But after a few months, you slowly began to see your desk lower back down to the seated position. It wasn’t intentional, we’re creatures of habit (sitting habits) and those are hard to break.
To re-inspire your drive to stand most of the day, here’s a list of the top 10 sitting and standing facts. After reading through these, you may find yourself adjusting your desk and standing more often.
1. One in three Americans is obese, and obese people sit more than 2.5 hours per day than thin people.
2. The bodies calorie burning ability drops to 1 per minute and electrical activity in the leg muscles shut off the moment you sit down.
3. Men and women who sit for more than 23 hours a week are 64% more likely to die from heart disease.
4. Thirty minutes to an hour of daily exercise is not enough to counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting.
5. Good cholesterol drops by 20% after just two hours of sitting down.
6. A study published by the CDC found that sit to stand devices are an effective method to generate health benefits and combat the negative effects of sitting all day.
7. Standing the majority of the day has been said to increase concentration, focus and overall productivity at the office.
8. A study from the University of Chester found that standing during the week can be the equivalent to running 10 marathons a year.
9. Standing for most of the day has the potential to burn 30,000 more calories in a year. That’s about eight pounds of fat.
10. Regular, brisk walking can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
The facts continue to go on from here, and we’re sure there will be more to come. So keep standing, moving and stretching throughout your workday to start experiencing better health that you deserve!