With the weekend approaching you may already have it all planned out, but did you make time for activities that successful people do? See if your ideas for the weekend line up with Forbes’ list of activities that successful people enjoy. You may be surprised by their second-most-popular activity.
Photo credit: https://magic.piktochart.com/output/1867913-14-things-successful-people-do-o
Thanks to Forbes and this infographic, you can see how successful people spend their weekends. Being busy all weekday and having precious little free time means that the most successful people make the most of their weekends. For the full article look here. Successful people plan out their weekends and make sure that they fill their time with activities they enjoy. With the number two activity being “exercise” it’s clear to see that successful people make exercise a priority only second to spending time with their family. Squeezing in workouts by implementing a standing desk is one way to bring fitness back to the forefront and possibly a way to put you on the path to success. To piece together your ideal standing desk, visit Xdesk.