In our last posts we talked about the standing desk throughout history, and some of the more famous folks who have used them. Today we thought we’d bring you back to the present and focus on the desk itself, namely what goes into it (and what doesn’t!).
Like many things throughout history, ergonomic desks, like the adjustable height desks or standing desks, started out being made with the finest of quality. They used rich and beautifully carved woods and the finest metal for their hinges and levers. But somewhere along the way, someone decided that quantity was worth more than quality, so office furniture took a radical, and even harmful turn.
Of course these days we know that using rich woods like cherry and oak is harmful to the environment, so many manufacturers began making their ergonomic desks with substitutes. Many ergonomic desks today are made with pressed wood and laminates to cut down their impact on the environment (and the cost it takes to manufacture them!) However, in trying to cut back on spending and harming large trees, these manufacturers are ultimately harming you.
Ergonomic desks, or adjustable height desks, made with laminates, veneer, and MDF often contain small amounts of formaldehyde. Ironically, ergonomic desks are specifically designed to be healthful; however, when formaldehyde is even one of the smallest ingredients, the health benefits go out the window. Formaldehyde can aggravate asthma and other lung diseases, irritate mucous membranes, and cause contact dermatitis. Studies on formaldehyde also suggest that it is a likely carcinogen and should be avoided.
Like I said, the whole point of an ergonomic desk is to make you healthier. But with all of the chemicals, many ergonomic desks are not contributing to your health, and could be harming you.
It’s pretty ridiculous, isn’t it? Well, that’s what the people at Xdesk thought anyway. That’s why they don’t use laminates, veneer, or MDF in any of their ergonomic desks. As a matter of fact, they don’t even use solvent-based paints in their design.
With the Xdesk, what you see is what you get. Each of their adjustable height desks are made 100% from bamboo and recycled aluminum—no harmful fillers, paints, or “faux woods.” This is not only beneficial to your body, but to the environment as well.
Unlike the rich, big-tree woods used in the past, bamboo is the fastest growing and most easily replenished wood on the planet. Recycled aluminum is highly sustainable as well. In short, Xdesk’s ergonomic desk is healthy for your body and the planet, from its design down to the very materials they use (and the ones they don’t!).
Be sure to check out our next post where we’ll talk more about the environmental benefits of choosing a Xdesk.
What are your thoughts on formaldehyde use in office furniture? Share them below!
Very good.Thank you very much
Comment by doudoune moncler — November 25, 2012 @ 11:27 am